The innovative discoveries in Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Physic


Adrenaline 1901 Takamine Japan
Analytic geometry 1619 Cartesio France
Anesthesia with ether 1842 Long USA
Antiseptic surgery 1867 Lister U.K.
Aspirin 1853 Gerhardt Germany
Atomic reactor (uranium) 1942 Fermi, Szilard Italy, USA
Atomic theory 1803 Dalton U.K.
Atomic numbers 1913 Moseley U.K.
Bacitracin 1943 Johnson USA
Bacteria description 1676 Leeuwenhoek Nederland
Blood circulation 1628 Harvey U.K.
Canned food 1804 Appert France
Cyclotron 1930 Lawrence USA
Chlorine 1774 Scheele Sweden
Cocaine 1860 Niermann Germany
Conditioned reflexes 1914 Pavlov Russia
Cortisone 1936 Kendall USA
Cosmic rays 1910 Gockel CH
DNA structure 1951 Crick, Wilkins, Watson U.K. , USA
Electric waves 1880 Hertz Germany
Electrolysis 1852 Faraday U.K.
Electromagnetism 1819 Oersted Denmark
Electron 1897 Thomson U.K.
Electroshock 1938 Cerletti, Bini Italy
Evolution 1858 Darwin U.K.
Galileo Law 1590 Galileo Italy
Heart transplantation 1967 Barnard South Africa
Insulin 1922 Banting, Best, Macleod Canada, Scotland
Isotopes theory 1912 Soddy U.K.
Light speed 1675 Roemer Denmark
Mendel Law 1866 Mendel Austria
Molecular hypothesis 1811 Avogrado Italy
Neutron 1932 Chadwick U.K.
Newton Law 1687 Newton U.K.
Nitroglycerine 1846 Sobrero Italy
Ohm Law (elect. resist.) 1827 Ohm Germany
Ozone 1840 Schonbein Germany
Oxygen 1774 Schonbein Germany
Penicillin 1929 Fleming Scotland
Periodic table 1869 Mendeleyev Russia
Plant & Animal classification 1735 Linnaeus Sweden
Plutonium fission 1940 Kennedy, Wahl, Segre USA, Italy
Polio vaccine 1953 Salk USA
Proton 1919 Rutherford New Zealand
Psychoanalysis 1900 Freud Austria
Quantum theory 1900 Planck Germany
Radio 1898 Curie France
Radioactivity 1896 Becquerel France
Ray X 1895 Roentgen Germany
Relativity theory 1905 Einsten Germany
Sulfuric Acid 1831 Philips U.K.
Tuberculin 1890 Koch Germany