Tissue culture method for screening toxicity of plastic materials to be used in medical practice
S. A. Rosenbluth, G. R. Weddington, W. L. Guess, J. Autian
Abstract – In the past, a number of methods has been used to evaluate toxicities of plastic items for use in medical and related fields. This paper describes a tissue culture method utilizing monolayers of strain L 929 mouse cells in modified Eagle’s medium. Samples of plastics are placed in direct contact with cell monolayers. After 24 hours, cells adjacent to the plastic samples are examined for toxic manifestations. Controls include toxic and nontoxic plastic samples. Up to the present time, a large number of plastic samples has been screened by the tissue culture method, and the method has been found to be more sensitive, more rapid, and less expensive than the previously employed intramuscular implantation technique in rabbits.
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