Stem Cells in Drug Discovery 2015


Stem Cells in Drug Discovery 2015

dal 2 al 3 giugno 2015

SELECTBIO are pleased to announce, that due to popular demand we will be hosting a workshop on Stem Cells in Drug Discovery from 2nd-3rd June 2015 at Buckingham House, Murray Edwards College in Cambridge, UK. 

Recent findings in developmental and stem cell biology have revolutionised research opportunities available for those seeking effective models for drug discovery. The divulgence of the mechanisms underlying cellular differentiation and reprogramming from signaling, transcriptional, translational and epigenetic events regulating cell fate has illuminated hidden pathways to accurate testing. The ability to grow and differentiate human stem and somatic cell lines is proving to provide a far more effective model for most types of pre-clinical testing. So much so that the FDA is looking into replacing previous models as a matter of urgency. 

At Stem Cells in Drug Discovery 2015, you will benefit from the expert knowledge of leaders into stem cell research who are currently working towards models for drug testing, that were previously thought to be impossible. You will hear from professionals who are currently screening for efficacy and toxicity of experimental compounds using iPS cell lines, and from others who are responsible for developing the techniques and technologies that are enabling them to do so. There will also be discussions involving industry and regulatory developments that are shaping the future of drug discovery.