Per il tecnologo lattiero-caseario
La IDF ha diversi siti di consultazione per gli operatori del settore lattiero-caseario.
Per gli aggiornamenti del settore lattiero-caseario
A customized website according to your needs gener5al nutrition information for consumers; latest science and research development for health professionals; Q&A, factsheets and sources for media.
Find out about the dairy sector’s commitment to reducing the green house emissions in the Global Dairy Agenda for action; share your success story in the Green Paper.
Share, search or compare recent information on dairy labs across the world.
Il Mastitis Council Italia è aperto a tutti coloro che operano nel settore lattiero-caseario (allevatori, tecnici e veterinari).
Il sito vuole essere il punto di incontro per i Soci del MCItalia e per coloro che vogliono essere informati sulle attività del MCItalia.
Ci auguriamo che le attività del MCItalia possano esservi di aiuto e di stimolo per migliorare la qualità del latte italiano.
Per il naturalista
This site is a great way to explore the organisms of the world through the observations and experiences of fellow naturalists.
Per l’uomo di scienza
To acquire an intuition for appropriate journals to which to submit scientific manuscripts. The “jane” will search Medline for the best corresponding journals.
Get your daily dose of science from “The Scientist” on Twitter. “The Scientist” tweets engaging stories,trivia, and upcoming events in the life science community.
The University of California Museum of Paleontology has created this website with eight topics within its “Understanding Science 101”.
Per il Chimico
The Chemsynthesis Chemical Database provides a one-stop on line browsing destination for people interested in the synthesis and chemical properties.
Chem Virtual textbook includes tezt, illustrations / diagrams for the student.
Per il genetista
A data base developed by a lab at the Cornell University concerning protein families, protein structures, domains, pathways, proteins, interactions, nucleic acids, Unigene cluster.
Le banche dati forensi Europee ed USA.
A complete genomic information for a large number of high-interest organisms and eukaryotic genomics sequencing projects. This site has compiled data from 2.459 projects covering 1.o86 species.
Allosteric Database at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The database contains about 8.000 modular entries and can be browsed by modulator, target, or index.
DROsophila Interaction Database for genes and protein interactions (protein-protein, transcription factor-gene, miRNA-gene, and gene-gene interactions.