Per il consulente HACCP
Le violazioni al “Pacchetto Igiene” secondo le Linee Guida della Regione Lombardia.
La Regione Lombardia (Decreto n.13100 del 03.12.2009) ha fornito una serie di indicazioni interpretative per le violazioni ai Regolamenti (CE) n.852/2004 e n. 854/2004.
Per il medico
Principali sistemi di valutazione del rischio cardiovascolare
National Cholesterol Education Program (USA)
European Guide Lines to prevent CV
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence UK
Per il tecnologo alimentare
Objective science-based information on the use of genetic engineering in the agro-food industry.
Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful? Deborah Whitman, 2000.
FDA News
Per il Facebook amatore
Segreteria Simposi della International pbi. I programmi completi di Seminari e Workshop appaiono anche in FaceBook.
Per il microbiologo clinico
ESCMID European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Workshops, Conferences, Summer School.
Per il ricercatore
Dove trovare informazioni sulla tecnologia europea
JRank aims to be all things to web page creators and has a useful set of indexed information for other users as well. You’ve got a great lab web page loaded with content. You want users to find information, so you need a search function, but getting one from providers on your terms can be a problem. What to do? Consider JRank, which aims to be all things to web page creators and has a useful set of indexed information for other users as well—check out the site’s impressive collection of online encyclopedias and indexed references. After registering, users enter the URL of the site they want indexed and the frequency of indexing. Then, JRank takes over and does the heavy lifting of cataloging the information. It even provides the HTML code for presenting the search box function to users.
With 40,000,000 scanned pages under its belt, JRank has passed a lot of tests. Its price (free) is right and the indexing tools are a breeze to use, making JRank a no-brainer for creating site-specific search functions.
Per lo scienziato
Utili suggerimenti per preparare correttamente un lavoro scientifico
The Public Health Image Library (PHIL) Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) contains thousands of public health-related images (high print quality), photos, illustrations and videos.
PHIL collections illustrate current events and articles, supply visual content for health promotion brochures, document the effects of disease, and enhance instructional media.
PHIL images accessible to PC and Macintosh users, are in the public domain and available without charge.
Per il biologo
Il sito della “The Protein Society”.
Per l’igienista alimentare
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) is the lead trade association for the UK retail industry.
The British Retail Consortium is the lead trade association representing the whole range of retailers, from the large multiples and department stores through to independents, selling a wide selection of products through centre of town, out of town, rural and virtual stores.
IFS Food is a standard for the auditing of companies that process food or companies that pack loose food products. IFS Food is only applied where the product is “processed or handled”, or if there is a danger of product contamination during the primary packaging.
IFS Food is applied to:
- processing and working and/or
- handling of loose products and/or
- activities undertaken during the primary packaging.
Per l’igienista della salute pubblica The Royal Society for Public Health
The Royal Society for Public Health is an independent, multi-disciplinary organisation, dedicated to the promotion and protection of collective human health.
Per l’enzimologo
This web from the University of Braunschweig is quite impressive with over 50 different search parameters for enzymes. One can search by metabolic pathway, enzyme turnover number, oxidation stability, post-translational modifications, molecular weight, etc.
Per l’insegnante di scienze
Created by a high school biology teacher, this website contains a variety of biology and anatomy lesson plans, interactive quizzes, images and even a nascent video page. There are also links to science education websites and tools for teachers.
Per il biologo molecolare
The Genome bioinformatics from the University of California Santa Cruz ((UCSC)
Per il biologo ambientalista
On the website of the University of Arkansas you will find an introduction to myomycetes, dictyostelids, protostelids, collectively called “true slime molds”.
Per il genetista
This website provides over 100 modules to help analyze genetic data, particularly those obtained from large-scale gene-expression analyses like microarray.
Per l’agronomo
This web offers many resources related to Arabidopsis seed research. Included in this are protein maps and catalogs for seed germination proteins, protocols for various germination and protein assays, and link to genomic and proteomic database.
Per il viaggiatore internazionale
Visit the CDC Travelers’ Health website for up-to-date information on global disease activity and International travel health recommendations.
Per l’allergologo