Per il medico e l’infettivologo
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) presents on his website all aspects concerning the infectious diseases.
General information on pathogens is the subject of Pathogens:
Preventing the spread of infectious diseases is the subject of:
Modern vaccination in immunity:
Treatment of bacterial infection through the use of antibiotics:
Common infectious diseases:
Per l’insegnante
It is a wonderful resources for students, parents and for teachers. The web covers topics such digestive system, the immune system, the heart and circulatory system and the five senses.
Per lo studente
L’educazione scientifica a cura della Commissione Europea. Un nuovo portale web rivolto a tutti gli appassionati di educazione scientifica.
Per l’ecologista
Per esporre il proprio punto di vista sul futuro dell’energia.
Per il chimico
The more dangerous substances for the health and the environment SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) from the ECHA (European Chemical Agency).
Per il veterinario
AHAW (Animal Health And Welfare) è la sigla dell’ EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) dedicata alla salute e benessere degli animali.
Per il ricercatore
Statistic Glossary
Glossary and sampling of quantitative research
Per il cittadino
Informazioni, sentenze, leggi relative alla attività in Italia degli attuali 2.700 giudici di pace (dovrebbero essere 5.000 secondo la Legge del 1991).
Per l’igienista ospedaliero
S. Sellwood. Mrs: A visit the hospital. The Royal Berkshire Hospital has produced this children’s book to encourage hand washing from an early age by visitors to the hospital. The story introduce Mrs A, her daughter Staphylococcus (Staphy for short) and her son Aureus who live happily in the nose of Maureen. The book follows Aureus as he leaves the safety of Maureen’s nose and travels on the hands of a boy called Calum onto different surfaces around the hospital, multiplying every time!
Publisher NHS – National Health Service – (2010). Pg 28. £ 3.99.
Per l’igienista e il virologo
Informazioni dall’ “International Life Sciences Institute” sulle malattie alimentari di origine virale: ILSI Europe Report Series. Foodborne Viruses.
Per l’ingegnere elettronico
Where electronics engineers go for News and Know-How
Per il tecnico lattiero-caseario
-FIL-IDF 445/2010. A common carbon footprint approach for dairy. The IDF Guide to standard lifecycle assessment methodology for the dairy sector.
-FIL-IDF 446/2010. The world dairy situation 2010. € 150,00.
-FIL-IDF/RM 230:2010/ISO/TS 15495 – Milk, milk products and infant formulae. Guidelines for the quantitative determination of melanine and cyanuric acid by LC-MS/MS.