I metodi analitici adottati dai laboratori europei delle Dogane
Database of analytical methods
ILIADe, Inter Laboratory Inventory of Analytical Determination
ILIADe is a shared directory of the analytical methods developed by the Italian Customs Agency. Its main purpose is to improve the effectiveness of customs laboratories by providing them with an easily accessible and up-to-date compilation of both official and unofficial analytical methods they are required to use for customs purposes, as well as methods for authenticity and quality control, consumer health protection and environmental controls.
ILIADe is accessible to all customs laboratories from the Member States and on special request to third countries. An inquiry function provides the possibility of searching for an analytical method with different fields available.
The ILIADe data base is constantly being improved and updated. The content is discussed by a specific working group checking and validating the content of the database.
Links exist between the different actions led by the Group of European Customs Laboratories, for example, Action 2 – Inter-comparisons and method validations studies – often result in validated methods that will be included later in the ILIADe database.