Top 5 Questions You Should Ask When Buying a Lab Refrigerator /Freezer
1 – How is the product manufactured? Ask about the quality of the materials used and the product life expectation based on manufacturing testing.
2 – What is the warranty? What does it include and for how long? Will anything void the warranty?
3 – How green is the product? Ask the company to provide details on energy efficiency and have them relate it to your return on investment (e.g. in four years will you save enough money in energy costs to pay for your freezer/fridge?).
4 – How much sample capacity are you getting for your space?
5 – What are the optimal voltage/wiring conditions for running the fridge/ freezer? If the building is older, will low voltage or voltage fluctuations affect the performance of the freezer/fridge?
Top 6 Questions That You Should Ask When Buying a Low Temperature Freezer
1 – How long does it take to get to -80 C after set-up / install (cool down time)?
2 – If there is a power failure, how long will it take to get to -60 C (holdover time)?
3 – How often do the compressors have to run (compressor run time)?
4 – What is the max and min temp variation from set-point across the chamber (temperature variation)?
5 – What is the capacity, how many racks and 2” / 3” boxes can it store (sample storage)?
6 – What are the optimal voltage/wiring conditions for running the ULTF? If your building is older, will low voltage or voltage fluctuations affect the performance of the freezer?